During hot summer days, it is nice to be outside as much as possible! At Van der Valk Hotel Texel - De Koog you can take a seat on the terrace and enjoy the sun. So you can choose on the terrace for a cold refreshing drink, an à la carte lunch, dinner, or extensive drink. At Van der Valk Hotel Texel - De Koog there are various options! Would you like to prepare for a sunny afternoon at our hotel with a terrace? Then take a look at our menu! On our menu, you will find various types of culinary dishes, with something for everyone. For example, in addition to fish and meat dishes, you can also choose vegetarian and vegan dishes. Even if you are not staying at our hotel, you are very welcome on our terrace!

View our menu


With 160 kilometers of cycle paths, Texel, the largest Wadden Island of the Netherlands, is ideal for a nice bike ride or walk! Have you mapped out a nice route and you are not staying with us in the hotel? Even as a non-hotel guest you are very welcome at Van der Valk Hotel Texel - De Koog! Our terrace is particularly well suited for a stopover during your walk or bike ride. So after a drink, lunch, drinks, or dinner you can get back on your bike with full energy and continue your tour. Will you soon enjoy the sun at our hotel with a terrace?